Who We Are

Business success is happening here in Delaware County because we focus our time and energy on the needs of our business community and citizens. It’s no secret that to be successful today you must have vision driven leadership. And, when you look at the accomplishments Delaware County has had over the years, it’s easy to see why we’re considered a leader in community and economic development.

Started in 1986, Delaware County Economic Development (DCED) is the oldest countywide industrial development group in the State of Iowa. Since our inception, we have attracted and retained more than fifteen companies, and have helped with nearly a dozen expansion projects. Over 600 manufacturing jobs have been created in the last decade alone.

Our main focus today is the development and implementation of one of the most sophisticated workforce development and recruitment programs in the state.

Professionals Shaking

What We Do

For many years, Delaware County Economic Development has been working to address the short and long-term employment and training needs of our local workforce. To address those needs, DCED has formed a public-private partnership with Delaware County businesses and government agencies called the Delaware County Human Resource & Career Alliance. Members include existing business and industry, area Chamber of Commerce’s, Sedona Staffing, Iowa Workforce Development, Northeast Iowa Community College, Upper Iowa University, School to Work Committee, and local government council.

With a strong alliance we have provided employers and citizens with information on the current area labor shed, current employee training programs, and access to resources to create the best work environment for sustainability.

Our Mission

To serve ALL citizens of Delaware County by creating and retaining jobs, stimulating local economic growth and enhancing quality of life.

Our Strategies

  • Expansion/retention of existing business & industry
  • Recruitment of new business & industry
  • Value-Added Ag initiatives
  • Assist existing & future businesses in meeting their workforce needs
  • Providing technical assistance to the communities in Delaware County
  • Promotion of the Foundation for the Future of Delaware County
  • Partnership with Delaware County Tourism
  • Legislative advocacy to promote economic development

Meet Our Team

Donna Boss

Executive Director

Executive Director

Jennifer Hoeppner

Executive Assistant

Maggie Sommers

Marketing & Tourism Director

Board of Directors

Dean Sherman


Education Representative

Jeff Madlom

Vice Chair

Delaware County Supervisors

Luke Brady


Delaware County Banker’s Association


Stuart Sleper

Manchester Area Chamber of Commerce

Tirzah Wedewer

Manchester Enterprises


Delaware County Industry

Kevin Funke

Small Community Representative

Joe Dittrick

City of Manchester


DCED investors allow us the ability to implement our strategies and are paving the way for Delaware County’s future.